Terms of Service
1. Positive Pup Training will not sell, trade or make available personal contact information to other parties without the consent of the buyer.
2. Positive Pup Training will automatically add the buyer’s email address to our Monthly Newsletter Distribution List.
3. Positive Pup Training reserves the right to determine whether the buyer and dog shall remain in the purchased class. Any aggression or other behavior issue that endangers or interferes with other members of the class will be cause for removal.
4. If a dog is determined by Positive Pup Training to be adversely affected by remaining in the group class due to fear or any other emotional issue a suitable private training option will be offered to the owner.
5. Once a class is full, buyers will be notified that any requests for changes or refunds must be made within a specifically determined time frame. After that time, no refunds will be made and class changes will only be made at the discretion of Positive Pup Training.
6. Please read the class description carefully. No refunds will be given after the class series begins.
Limitation of Liability
I am the owner of the dog named in the sign up form that will be involved in this training Class. I understand fully that there are inherent risks in the act of dog training and that I will follow all safety guidelines and instructions given to me and that, Positive Pup Training, Tails Up or Franktown Animal Clinic and their agents accepts no liability and I will hold Positive Pup Training, Tails Up, or Franktown Animal Clinic and their agents harmless in any way regarding training, injury or damage to any person(s) or animal(s) or to any property, however caused, which may result from training or behavior of said dog, or from any negligence on part of the said above named owner, and against all costs, counsel fees, expenses and or liabilities in connection with any such claim, action or proceeding.